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Vite plugin Symfony Options


  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: false

Displays in the console the complete configuration of Vite when it has been completely resolved (configResolved).


  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: true

Forces the plugin to be executed at the end. This guarantees that all files will be processed and in particular allows us to generate the correct hashes of our files if we wish to add integrity attributes to our scripts. if you deactivate this option the symfony plugin will be executed in the order where it was declared.


  • Type : boolean
  • Default value: true

by default any asset import is resolved on the Vite server without specifying the origin.

import logo from './assets/logo.svg'
// see

// '/build/assets/logo.svg'
import logo from './assets/logo.svg'
// see

// '/build/assets/logo.svg'

This turns out to be problematic when used with Symfony because it is the Symfony php server which will be at the origin of the request and it will not be able to resolve the path. Until v5, pentatrion/vite-bundle forwarded the request to vite by proxy. With this option, your assets will be resolved more quickly because they will not pass through Symfony.

If you encounter problems displaying resources because you are in specific environments (Docker for example), you may need to deactivate this option.


  • Type: null | string
  • Default value: null

Override the origin for every dev entrypoint. Useful when you use a proxy server. If you have specified the Vite option to (especially for Docker) you will probably need to set originOverride to http://localhost. If you want to specify the scheme, host and port, use originOverride otherwise prefer viteDevServerHostname.


  • Type: boolean | string[]
  • Default value: false

Allows you to restart the Vite development server when your files are modified. By setting this value to true, the server will check for modifications on your Twig files (equivalent to the value ["templates/**/*.twig"]). You can also define your own pattern table.

Vite uses the picomatch library to interpret the patterns.


  • Type: boolean | string
  • Default value: 'public'

By default the extension disables the publicDir option of the vite configuration. We don't want the full contents of the public folder (index.php entry point, etc.) to be copied into the build folder. (see discussion). By activating this option the extension still activates a local server so that the Vite development server can return the files present in the public folder.

If you still want to use the Vite publicDir option, disable this option first.


This option will be removed as soon as Vite's build.copyPublicDir option is definitively adopted.


  • Type: false | "sha256" | "sha384" | "sha512"
  • Default value: false

Generates hash keys when generating your files. Use if you want to deploy your assets to a CDN.


  • Type: boolean | string | VitePluginSymfonyStimulusOptions
  • Default value: false

Enables the bridge that will interpret the assets/controllers.json file for third-party Stimulus controllers (including Symfony UX).

Enter true if your file is located in the default location assets/controllers.json otherwise specify the path to your reference file.

You can also specify a configuration object.

type VitePluginSymfonyStimulusOptions = {
   * path to controllers.json relative to vite root
   * @default ./assets/controller.json
  controllersFilePath: string;

   * enable hmr for controllers
   * @default true
  hmr: boolean;
type VitePluginSymfonyStimulusOptions = {
   * path to controllers.json relative to vite root
   * @default ./assets/controller.json
  controllersFilePath: string;

   * enable hmr for controllers
   * @default true
  hmr: boolean;


By default, HMR is activated on your Stimulus controllers. If these are not idempotent (see Stimulus doc), you may encounter problems (HMRs will not work as expected and you will have to manually refresh your page). In this case it is preferable to deactivate the hmr: false option. Therefore, any modification of the file will still result in an automatic refresh of the page.


  • Type: null | string
  • Default value: null

If you have specified the Vite option to (especially for Docker) you will probably need to set viteDevServerHostname to 'localhost'. See discussion.

Released under the MIT License.